Sunday, March 6, 2011

5 Best ways to Promote Your Website Sales

1. Add some urgency.
Sometimes customers need a little motivation to help them to buy. You can add some incentives to help them make a decision to buy right now. You can add a special deal that is time sensitive ("only 2 days left"). Or you can let them know that the benefits are scarce ("items are selling fast" or "stock is limited."). Then all you need to do is to tell them to take action right now (Buy Now!) and make it really easy for them to do it.
2. Tap into their passions.
Your customers buy for a deep underlying reason. If you can tap into your customer's passions - you will motivate them to take action. If your customers are passionate about the environment - show them how your product leaves a better carbon footprint. If your customers believe in helping others, create a program to give back to charity, etc. The idea is to tap into their feelings - because most people are emotional buyers.
3. Use words like FREE, NEW and SAVE to convey your message.
These are truly the most powerful words in the business world. If you can give away something for FREE, or show them how something is NEW, or even help them SAVE money or time - they will buy. Make sure you put them in BIG, BOLD letters so that customers can see them and act on them.
4. Help minimize their risk.
If you have a valuable product with very little risk - you will get an automatic sale. Yet customers still perceive risk in dealing with a company they have never worked with before. Help eliminate their risk by offering a money back guarantee, easy return policy, a 24 hour hotline, or a chat service for immediate answers. Making bold, strong and specific promises can also reduce risk in the mind of your customer - because confidence is contagious.
5. Get endorsements where you can.
Endorsements show your customers proof that you can deliver on your promise. Also they motivate customers by the fact that a lot of other people (even famous people) are doing it as well. Therefore endorsements, and testimonials become one of the most powerful tools for selling on line - so you will do well to add A LOT of them. The key is, the more risk to your customer, the more testimonials you will need.

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